Sunday, June 19, 2011

To my new best friend....

There was a time I had a best friend, one that made me laugh, laughed at my jokes, cheered me up when I was down, and always supported me and told me he was there when I needed him. That time has come and gone, I no longer have that friend, he changed beyond the man I sought comfort from. But... A WILD TATE APPEARS AND USES CHARM. IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE!

All nerdiness set aside, he makes me happy and there is never ending giggle fests with him.  Never thought I'd be able to find a new best friend, I was dead wrong. Thank you Tate for always being there (when you are online) when I need you. You are the best!

Friday, June 17, 2011

I hate my life

Why do people keep telling me that the good guys always come out on top? That is so fucking stupid, cause it's not true. No matter how nice I am to the meanest person, they will continue to be mean and not even give me a chance to be there friend. Why do people have to be so hateful all the time? Ugh! I'm beginning to lose hope in the human race, the 1920's seemed like such an easier time. I just wished everyone liked me or at least told me white lies. I like to see the positive things instead of negative, I see the cup half full. Why can't everyone be just like me? I'm always  happy and always look forward to things.

If only I could go back in time, I could change so much and I would be happier today.